Acne and Acne Scars Treatment
in Tulsa, OK
If you've been battling acne and acne scarring with no end in sight, you've come to the right place. Luminate Clinic is proud to introduce our exclusive, medically-based three-phase program that safely and effectively eliminates the root cause of acne and improves the appearance of acne scars. We invite you to visit our Tulsa clinic to learn about our "Acne Boot Camp" and get on track to a smooth and virtually flawless complexion!

Luminate’s Acne Boot Camp
Medically Based, 3-Phase Program
Eliminate acne breakouts, reduce acne scarring, and restore your beautifully clear and radiant complexion!
Fully customized treatment protocols
Safely and effectively treat all skin types and shades
Eliminate the root cause of acne, clearing acne outbreaks
Prevent future acne flare-ups
Reduce acne scarring
Restore your skin’s tone and texture
Enjoy a beautifully vibrant, healthy complexion
Keep your skin looking its best all year long
* Treatment results may vary from person to person.
Luminate’s Exclusive
Acne Boot Camp
Our medically-based 3-step program targets the root cause of acne while improving your skin’s health and natural beauty. It also significantly reduces acne scarring, leaving you with improved tone and texture and a smooth and clear complexion!
Phase 1
A combination of chemical peels, laser acne therapy, and acne prevention products treats the source of acne, clearing acne outbreaks.
Phase 2
Microdermabrasion, microneedling, and acne prevention products help restore your skin's tone and texture, leaving you with a healthy, vibrant complexion.
Phase 3
Maintenance with DiamondGlow Clarifying, acne prevention products, and other spot treatments help keep your skin beautifully clear and glowing.
Our featured state-of-the-art
acne solutions

Agnes RF
Agnes RF was initially developed as an acne cure. Radiofrequency energy delivered through microneedles selectively destroys sebaceous glands, curing acne outbreaks and preventing future ones. Microneedling RF also triggers collagen and elastin production, tightening the skin and improving the appearance of acne scars. Agnes RF is a true cosmetic breakthrough for treating acne and acne scarring.

Scarlet SRF
Scarlet SRF is one of the safest devices in the field of RF systems. It delivers short-pulse radiofrequency energy beneath the skin's superficial layers through specialized microneedles. That triggers collagen and elastin fiber production in the epidermal and deep dermal layers, eliminating acne outbreaks and minimizing acne scars while lifting, tightening, and smoothing the skin and improving its tone and texture.

IPL Photofacial
Intense pulsed light targets the skin's deeper layers beneath the acne or acne scars. Pigment cells absorb the light energy and turn it into heat, destroying acne-causing bacteria and eliminating acne outbreaks. IPL therapy also promotes collagen and elastin production, smoothing away acne scars. In just a few treatment sessions, IPL photofacials can clear even the most stubborn acne outbreaks and significantly improve the appearance of acne scars!
Acne and Acne Scars Treatment Near Me
Contact your dynamic Luminate team in Tulsa, OK, to learn more about our exclusive and highly effective acne and acne scars treatment options. Enjoy a beautifully clear and vibrant complexion today and every day! Call us at (918) 340-7090 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!