Optimizing Your Results: Before and After Botox Care Tips for our Tulsa Clients

Botox Before and After Blog Post with image of injections on face in Tulsa

Welcome to our guide on optimizing your Botox results, tailored specifically for our Tulsa clients! Whether you’re a Botox newbie or a seasoned veteran, understanding how to care for your skin before and after treatment is essential for achieving the best possible outcome. In this blog post, we’ll share expert tips and advice to help you maximize the benefits of your Botox experience. From pre-treatment preparation to post-care maintenance, we’ve got you covered every step of the way. Let’s dive in and discover how you can elevate your beauty routine and unlock the full potential of your Botox journey right here in Tulsa!

Hi! Dr. Lucie here with 22 years of experience in aesthetics to tell you that you need to exfoliate before your botox appointment! This will give you the best glow. You can exfoliate at home with a gentle enzyme mask or a polish, or you can get a treatment done before your botox appointment. We call these treatments “Tox Boosters.” Dermaplanes, Chemical peels, Diamond Glows or AquaFirme-XS are the most popular to have done prior to your injections. Yes! We can do these appointments the same day if you let us know when you schedule your appointment.

Before getting a Botox treatment, there are several things you should avoid to ensure the best results and minimize potential risks. Here are some key things to avoid:

  1. Blood-Thinning Medications: Avoid taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or herbal supplements like fish oil, in the days leading up to your Botox treatment. These medications can increase the risk of bruising and bleeding at the injection sites.
  2. Alcohol Consumption: Limit or avoid alcohol consumption in the days before your Botox treatment. Alcohol can thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising.
  3. Vitamin E and St. John’s Wort: Similar to blood-thinning medications, vitamin E supplements and herbal remedies like St. John’s Wort can increase the risk of bruising. It’s best to avoid these supplements before your Botox appointment.
  4. Excessive Sun Exposure: Avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning beds before your Botox treatment. Sunburned or irritated skin can be more sensitive during the procedure and may increase discomfort.
  5. Skincare Products: Some skincare products containing harsh ingredients or exfoliants may irritate the skin and increase the risk of bruising or adverse reactions. Consult with us about which skincare products are safe to use before your Botox treatment. If you have not already had a Get To Know You session (our consultation) please schedule one before your treatment.
  6. Smoking: If you smoke, try to refrain from smoking in the days leading up to your Botox appointment. Smoking can impair circulation and delay healing, increasing the risk of complications.
  7. Physical Activity: Avoid strenuous exercise or activities that increase blood flow to the face immediately before your Botox treatment. Excessive sweating or increased blood flow can make it more challenging to achieve precise injections and may increase the risk of bruising.

The procedure itself just takes about 5-10 minutes. After we cleanse your skin, we do several small injections with the tiniest needle. Then clean you up, apply an anti-oxidant and sunscreen and send you on your way. You can go right back to your normal activities with just a few no-nos. After receiving a Botox treatment, it’s essential to take care of your skin and follow certain guidelines to optimize results and minimize potential side effects. Here’s a list of things you can do and should avoid after a Botox treatment:

What You Can Do:

  1. Stay Upright: Remain in an upright position for at least four hours after the treatment. This helps ensure that the Botox stays in the intended area and doesn’t migrate to other muscles.
  2. Gently Move Muscles: Gentle facial movements, such as smiling or frowning, can help distribute the Botox evenly. However, avoid strenuous facial expressions or excessive rubbing of the treated area.
  3. Apply Ice Packs: If you experience swelling or discomfort at the injection sites, you can apply ice packs wrapped in a cloth for 10-15 minutes at a time. This can help reduce swelling and ease any discomfort.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, which can help flush toxins from your body and promote healing.
  5. Follow Up: Attend any follow-up appointments scheduled by your provider. This allows them to assess your results and address any concerns you may have.
  6. Be Patient: It can take several days to see the full effects of Botox. Be patient and give your body time to respond to the treatment. We recommend a full 10-14 days before you come back in for a touch-up. If you are using a different neuromodulator like Daxxify, Jeuveau, Dysport or Xeomin they do have a quicker onset than Botox brand toxin.

What You Should Avoid:

  1. Touching or Rubbing the Injection Sites: Avoid touching or rubbing the injection sites for at least 24 hours after the treatment. This reduces the risk of spreading the Botox to unintended areas and ensures optimal results.
  2. Excessive Facial Expressions: While gentle facial movements are encouraged, avoid excessive facial expressions, such as squinting or furrowing your brow, for the first 24 hours after treatment. This helps prevent the Botox from migrating to unintended areas.
  3. Strenuous Exercise: Refrain from engaging in strenuous exercise or activities that increase blood flow to the face for at least 24 hours after the treatment. Excessive sweating and increased blood flow can compromise the results of the Botox treatment.
  4. Avoid Heat: Stay away from saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, and direct sunlight for the first 24 hours after treatment. Heat can increase blood flow to the face and may cause the Botox to dissipate more quickly.
  5. Avoid Blood-Thinning Medications: As with before the treatment, avoid taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, for the first 24 hours after the treatment to minimize the risk of bruising.
  6. Delay Other Cosmetic Procedures: Postpone other cosmetic procedures, such as facials, chemical peels, or laser treatments, for at least two weeks after receiving Botox. This allows the Botox to take full effect and ensures the safety and effectiveness of both treatments. if we are doing them the same day, the Botox treatment will be at the very end of your appointment.

By following these guidelines and adhering to our recommendations, you can help ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery after your Botox treatment. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Luminate for guidance and support.