Revitalize Your Wellness: The Benefits of Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

Hi All! Dr. Erin Lucie, your favorite Nurse Practitioner in Tulsa, Oklahoma fro all things beauty and wellness. Let’s talk about vaginal rejuvenation… having three kids of my own in my late thirties which is considered a ‘geriatric’ pregnancy’, I had them all vaginally, no c-sections, and let me tell you things, shift and change and I totally understand. My last baby boy was over 10lbs… whew! So whether through child birth or just over time, women’s bodies undergo various changes due to hormonal fluctuations and menopause. These changes can affect the vaginal structure, leading to increased laxity, decreased sexual sensation, discomfort, and stress incontinence. Fortunately, laser vaginal rejuvenation offers a non-invasive solution to address these issues and enhance overall vaginal health and wellness. The reason I started offering laser vaginal rejuvenation is because after my first child, I was having pain with intercourse, and after many tests and exams my OB finally said “Maybe your husbands penis is too big, there is nothing I can do about that” and he shrugged his shoulders and left the room. With his blatant disregard for my feelings and concerns and the logistics of sex wasn’t painful before having a child, I was at a loss. I have been doing lasers on clients faces for 20 years for rejuvenation, why not do them internally? Enter non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation.

What is Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Laser vaginal rejuvenation is an advanced, non-surgical treatment designed to improve the appearance and function of the vaginal area. By using targeted energy, this procedure stimulates collagen production and promotes tissue tightening, leading to a range of benefits without the need for invasive surgery or extended downtime.

How Does It Work?

The procedure involves using a specialized hand-piece to deliver precise radio frequency heat or laser energy to the vaginal tissues. This gentle heat stimulates the body’s natural collagen production process, encouraging healing and tightening of the treated area. The treatment is typically well-tolerated, with most women finding the warmth comfortable and soothing.

Benefits of Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

  • Improved Vaginal Tightness: The treatment helps restore firmness and elasticity to the vaginal tissues, which can enhance sexual sensation and satisfaction.
  • Reduced Discomfort: Many women experience relief from symptoms such as dryness, pain during intercourse (dyspareunia), and chronic pelvic pain.
  • Enhanced Urinary Control: The procedure can improve symptoms of stress incontinence, reducing the urgency and frequency of urination.
  • Quick and Painless: The non-invasive nature of the treatment means there is minimal to no pain involved, and most women can return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure.
  • Gradual and Lasting Results: While some effects are noticeable right away, the full benefits develop over the following months as collagen continues to rebuild and strengthen the tissues.

Who Can Benefit?

Laser vaginal rejuvenation is suitable for women experiencing a variety of symptoms related to vaginal laxity and discomfort. It can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with:

  • Vaginal Atrophy: Often a result of menopause, leading to thinning and drying of the vaginal walls.
  • Dyspareunia: Painful intercourse caused by dryness, hormonal changes, or other factors.
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain: Persistent discomfort in the pelvic region.
  • Stress Incontinence: Leakage of urine during activities such as coughing, sneezing, or exercising.
  • Postpartum Recovery: Enhancing vaginal tightness and function after childbirth.

What to Expect

During your initial consultation, a thorough examination will be conducted to determine if laser vaginal rejuvenation is right for you. The treatment itself is quick, often taking less than an hour, and involves no significant downtime. And no pain. At the most you feel a few pinches of heat and pressure or the sensation of wanting to empty your bladder. You can expect some immediate improvement, with continued benefits emerging over the next few months as collagen production ramps up.


There are basically two ways we can do vaginal rejuvenation, and we use a different laser for each option. If you are concerned with the external appearance we will use a tightening and lightening then we use a gentle resurfacing radio-frequency laser that we use in a series of 4-6 at 4 week intervals. If you area interested in internal we a probe (similar to a small curling iron rod) that deliver 360 degree heat to tighten. And that is recommended in a series of 3 at 4 week intervals and then once a year for enhancements. Either way, laser vaginal rejuvenation offers a safe, effective, and non-invasive solution to many common issues faced by women. By stimulating natural collagen production and enhancing tissue tightness, this treatment can help restore your confidence, improve your sexual health, and enhance overall well-being. If you’re interested in learning more about how laser vaginal rejuvenation can benefit you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with a qualified healthcare provider today.

Embrace the opportunity to feel your best and live your life to the fullest with the advanced technology of laser vaginal rejuvenation.